Saturday, December 27, 2008


It's becoming apparent that I am far too nice.
I cover people's shifts at work even though I don't want to and had plans.
I do it because when I want a day off, I want to have someone cover for me.
Sometimes it just feels like people are taking advantage.
It's whatever though. Next paycheck should be bangin'
So, the Preds beat the Red Wings last night.
Color me shocked.
On one hand, I am really happy. But there's the other part that wonders why that team can't show up for all the games.
You lose to a team in last place in their conference (Tampa Bay) but yet, knock off the number two team in the conference. Doesn't make sense.
Either way, well played game. And Shea Freakin' Weber is a beast.
Not Drake's beast.
Not crazy Shea girl's beast.
My beast.
And he knows it too.
And that makes me smile.
By the way, being winked and nodded at by Fiddler used to be un-nerving.
But now, it's kinda cool.
We're their girls.
And I love it.
Britney and Kelly are coming over tonight for Wii fun.
It'll be nice not to have to drive to Nashville to hang out.
That drive is getting old fast.

1 comment:

Kelly said...

He's just a douchenozzle.

And he is your beast and Shea girl and Drake and Shea girl's hubby should all hook up... they could all where #6 jerseys.

Road ass. That is all. haha