Thursday, April 30, 2009

Update on school before it's over

I am stressing out. I only have 4 classes this semester, which is a pretty light load for me. 2 of these exams are going to be simple. I have all the answers, literally. He gives us the questions and answers. I just have to memorize them well enough to pick the right one on a multiple choice test. The other two classes have me worried. Accounting has been easy so far because all the tests and homework have been online, so I've had the help of my book. We found out today that the final exam isn't even written by our teacher and it may only be 25 questions long. That means, it may have stuff on it that my professor didn't talk about in class. It also means that if it's 25 questions, I can't miss very many. I'm officially really worried about it. I know I probably shouldn't be, but it's got me worried now. It's tomorrow afternoon, so I'm going to hope for the best and try to enjoy my weekend. The other exam I'm worried about comes Monday morning, bright and early at 8am. Quantitative Methods may be the worst class ever. I can hardly understand the professor, and the highest grade on our first test was a 70. Yes, a 70. And I got it. However, the second test was a much more heartbreaking 64, while the girl in front of me got a 91. WTH? I don't get it at all. He told us what was going to be on the final. Again, it's a combination of multiple choice and actual problems. The problems aren't where I have trouble. I do ok with those for the most part. But I have no clue where he gets these multiple choice questions from. He says it's stuff he goes over in class, but I read my notes and I only missed one class and I still suck at these multiple choice questions. And it doesn't help that they're worth 5 points each. Yea, that sucks. I will be so glad when finals are over. This semester was trying to say the least. Welcome to the Business/Accounting department eh?

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